Mzimba Trucking & Bricks

About Us

Less time, good quality,best service.

Ownership and Structure
Mzimba trucking and Bricks is a sole trader owned by Mokhethi Lets’ela. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in economics minor statistics from the National University of Lesotho (NUL). The type of entity is going to be changed from a sole trader to a company within the first semester of 2018.
The business has a staff of fifteen (15) people; the owner, office administrator, a technical Operations supervisor, five (5) drivers and seven (7) semi-skilled workers.
The entity is a sole trader legally registered in February 2016 and it has been running from the very same year to date. Our primary activities are Manufacturing and delivery of clay bricks.
per month
0 Bricks

SADC Region Trips

We are certified to transport goods and anything within our tonnage in and out of Lesotho, Botswana, Eswatini and many other neighboring countries.